These are the personal ponderings of a General Assembly fan and observer. Hope you'll join the conversation.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

And so the debate begins....

Around 2pm this afternoon Detroit time, the discussions began and people started to line up with pads red, green and yellow at every microphone.  Right now I would estimate that there are at least 30 people in line waiting to address the topic of marriage from every angle.

I am very proud to be from the Presbytery of Santa Fe.  One commissioner just asked the Assembly to allow more time to study the proposal because they had not taken the opportunity over the last two years to discuss the issue.  Thank you for taking the time last fall at Ghost Ranch to discuss the topic carefully and prayerfully. 

The concern at present being expressed from Hunter Farrell, who works with Global Mission, is that more partners may see fit to break relations with our denomination if we were to act on redefining marriage. Three denominations globally have already seen fit to do so.

The Twittersphere seems to be exploding with comments both snarky and wise.  If you use the hashtag #ga221, you can tune in and see what’s being said all around.

On an unrelated note, we all continue to be frustrated with the level and quality of internet capability in the room.  I have been trying to post this article for almost 30 minutes now, and because of the delays, I gave up and began writing it in a Word doc until the Internet could cough up the website.  Don't think I'm not communicating with you -- I'm trying, really! 
Addendum - there was a minority report which sought to delay a decision for four more years.  An amendment to change that to two years was considered - but in any case, the minority report did not succeed in becoming the main motion.  The commissioners did vote to limit debate to one minute rather than two. Frankly, now that we are at the main motion, I am surprised that there have not been many speakers.  We will see. The  body did vote to disapprove naming a task force to study, 39% yes to 61% no.

Now the debate is related on whether to approve or disapprove a motion related to whether Teaching Elders could continue to conduct weddings on behalf of the state.  The motion is to disapprove. And indeed it was disapproved.

Now the overture with which the Presbytery of Santa Fe concurred is on the floor.  It has been amended.  A commissioner tried to use a Roberts Rules point of order to declare the overture out of order; it is being considered by the Advisory Committee on the Constitution. The ACC declared that it was in order becuase the body would then be dealing with the tension created. 

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